LiDAR Data Processing Status and Progress

Shown in the Google Map below are the blocks of first and last return Digital Surface Models (DSM) and Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) that have been provided by UP DREAM/Phil-LIDAR 1 Data PreProcessing Component (DPPC) for editing by CSU-Phil-LiDAR 1.2.14. These pre-processed DSMs and DTMs will be edited to generate final DSMs and DTMs to be utilized for flood model development and hazard map generation.

Quick Stat (as of Dec. 23, 2014):

No. of Blocks Provided to CSU: 70 (equivalent to 6,684 sq. km)
No. of Blocks covering Year 1 Project Areas: 21 (equivalent to 1,683 sq. km )

Lidar DTM and DSM Editing Progress:
–Editing completed: 1,683 sq. km. (this includes the 2 blocks that were already edited by UPD )
–Pending: 3,812 sq. km. (next in line; to be edited during Years 2 and 3)
–Planned: 1,189 sq. km. (to be edited during Year 2)

–Calibration and validation of LiDAR DTMs
–Integration of bathymetric data into the edited Lidar DTM
–Validation and bathymetric surveys not yet conducted by UPD Phil-LiDAR 1 DVBC

Progress Map as of Dec. 23, 2014:




(Click here for details about our project areas according to the year of implementation)